Wednesday 24 October 2012

A little further down the road

Continuing with our  efforts to spread awareness, we conducted an awareness week in our campus. We held different awareness days over an entire week, with each day dedicated towards spreading awareness on some issue or the other. We conducted a Food awareness day in which the importance of conserving food and reducing wastage of food was inculcated among the students of our college. We put up posters and stickers in various places so as to gain maximum reach and spread our message. We also conducted a Waste Awareness Day and a Water Conservation Day wherein we spread the message of reducing waste and conserving water.

We also made a huge poster to advance our cause and get people to join in. We put it up in the different hostel blocks and urged the crowd to put up what they thought was the way forward on the poster. The poster drew a lot of participation and people put up slogans to imbibe some stamina into our enterprise. Many witnessed the poster and  were pumped up and ready to show some action.

We organised a talk on the Civil Nuclear Programme in India which was delivered by an expert in the field of nuclear energy and a faculty of our college, Prof. B N Karkera. He shed light on the future of nuclear power in India and its pros and cons and the three stage programme concerning nuclear material use. It was a very illuminating talk, attended by a lot of students, which taught us what we needed to know about this delicate energy resource and its further use. The talk was followed by an engaging debate by the NITK Debating Society on the Engineering and Scientific justification of the Civil Nuclear Programme, which was not only thought-provoking but entertaining too.

 We plann to continue on our path and shall be posting more updates soon. Keep visiting.

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